Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1429 H

"Dewan Tertinggi Mahkamah Agung Arab Saudi melakukan sidang itsbat ba'da magrib hari Senin 29 Ramadan 1429 H, telah menentukan bahwa malam Selasa adalah akhir bulan Ramadan 1429 H bertepatan tanggal 29 September 2008 M. Dengan demikian hari Selasa besok bertepatan tanggal 30 September 2008 adalah Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1429 H". Demikian disiarkan langsung oleh televisi Arab Saudi usai salat Isya, Senin 29 September 2008. [detikNews.com]

Rukyah vs Hisab
Permasalahan ini sudah banyak dibahas di ruang-ruang diskusi. Tapi, secara ringkas bisa dijelaskan bahwa perintah Rasulullah untuk merukyah hilal pada intinya adalah supaya kaum muslimin mengetahui datangnya bulan baru. Dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, datangnya bulan baru sudah bisa diprediksi. Bahkan, gerhana bulan atau gerhana matahari yang akan datang pada puluhan tahun yang akan datang bisa diperhitungkan dengan ketelitian 1 s.d 2 menit. Ini dimungkinkan karena gerakan benda-benda langit merupakan sunatullah yang bersifat

¨ Pasti (33:38)

¨ Objektif (33:62)

¨ Tetap, tidak berubah (48:23)

Sebenarnya, kita sudah akrab dengan metode hisab. Misalnya saja, penentuan waktu solat, selalu kita melihat jadwal solat dan kita melihat jam. Rasanya, tak ada lagi muslim yang akan solat dzuhur terlebih dulu melihat posisi matahari. Begitu juga, menunggu waktu solat subuh dengan melihat fajar. Mengapa untuk mengetahui bulan baru kita tidak konsisten dengan melihat hasil hisab?

Salah satu program komputer yang mudah digunakan untuk hisab adalah MoonC yang sekarang sudah mencapai versi 6. Ini merupakan hasil karya seorang muslim bernama Dr Monzur Ahmed. [Blog Rasalfa]

Official Decision and Announcement of the High Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia: Since the moon of Shawwaal was sighted this evening, here in Saudi Arabia, we shall be completing twenty nine (29) days of Ramadhaan. Subsequently, we shall be celebrating 'Eed al-Fitr on Tuesday 30th September 2008, inshaa.-Allaah

Comment by Moonsighting.com: It was impossible to see the moon in Saudi Arabia. The moon set before sunset and moon age was only less than 7 hours.[MoonSiGHTiNG]

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Menghilangkan Navbar melanggar TOS?

Apakah menghilangkan atau menyembunyikan atau memodifikasi blogger navbar melanggar Blogger TOS (Terms of Services)? Apakah dengan menghilangkan atau menghapus atau memodifikasi code html navbar di blogger template berarti sudah melanggar TOS?

Pertanyaan tadi seringkali diwarnai suara pro dan kontra sehingga memunculkan keraguan bagi kebanyakan blogger penghuni blogspot sebagai rumahnya. Anehnya suara yang menyatakan bahwa hal tersebut telah melanggar dan atau tidak melanggar TOS ternyata hanya didasarkan pada TOS yang sama.

Blogger Navbar
Bagi yang belum tau apa itu blogger navbar, blogger navbar atau blogger navigation bar adalah bar yang berada pada baris paling atas di setiap blognya blogspot.com yang berisikan Blogger logo, Search Blog, Flag Blog, Next Blog, Email Address, Dashboard dan Sign In/Out. Warna defaultnya biru tetapi user bisa mengganti warna ini menjadi warna yang lain.

Menurut panduannya, Navbar ini berfungsi untuk antara lain:
* [B]: Link ke www.blogger.com.
* Search Blog: Mencari kata yang anda masukkan kedalam search bar di blog yang sedang anda buka.
* Flag Blog: Menandai current blog as objectionable.
* NextBlog: Blog yang baru saja di update akan ditampilkan secara acak.
* [email address]: Jika anda sedang login maka email adress anda akan ditampilkan. Jika anda sedang tidak login maka tidak akan ditampilkan apa-apa.
* Dashboard: Jika status anda sedang login, jika anda mengklik dashboard maka dashboard anda akan ditampilkan
* Sign In/Out: Tergantung status anda saat itu, Jika sedang login yang akan ditampilkan adalah Sign In, begitu juga sebaliknya.

Alasan navbar tidak disukai
Alasan utama dari pemakai blogspot menghilangkan atau menyembunyikan navbar adalah mereka tidak ingin pengunjung blognya ketiban sial saat mengklik "NextBlog" karena blog yang ditampilkan secara acak saat si visitor mengklik "NextBlog" bisa aja "blog apa saja" :D Maksutnya blog yang "tidak disuka" ... Pokoknya blog yang itu deh :P Alasan lainnya biasanya supaya tampilan blognya bersih.

Melanggar TOS atau tidak?
Kembali ke leptop, menghilangkan atau menyembunyikan atau memodifikasi navbar itu melanggar blogger TOS atau tidak sih?
Ada blogger yang pede yakin banget menulis di blog-nya kalau di TOSnya blogger.com "secara tegas mengisyaratkan pengguna Blogger.com untuk tidak menghapus navigation bar jika ingin menggunakan layanan Blogger.com.” Untunglah akhirnya kalimat itu di hilangkan dari post-nya. Selain emang hal itu nggak ada di TOS nya blogger.com juga kontra produktif dengan tema postnya.

Memang agak mengherankan isi dari TOS-nya blogger tidak ada yang secara terang-terangan menyatakan bahwa memodifikasi atau menghilangkan atau menyembunyikan navbar adalah suatu pelanggaran terhadap blogger TOS. Tetapi anehnya di buzz.blogger.com bulan maret 2006 secara terang-terangan disebutkan bahwa itu adalah pelanggaran terhada TOS. Katanya, "You have always been able to run non-Google services on your blog. In the same way you can use Yahoo's Flickr to post photos to your blog, you can include an MSN Search box in your template. We consider it a violation of the terms to modify the Blogger navbar, but that's not what was reported to have happened here."

Nah lho ... Perhatikan kalimat tebal "We consider it a violation of the terms to modify the Blogger navbar" ... Jelas sekali..., tapi sejauh ini belum pernah ada yang melaporkan blognya di suspend karena sudah memodifikasi atau menghilangkan atau menyembunyikan si navbar. Barangkali ini karena si blogger lebih memikirkan laporan pelanggaran isi atau kontent dari blog daripada ngurusin laporan, blogger si anu navbarnya di ilangin ;)

Jadi kesimpulannya adalah silakan menghilangkan atau menyembunyikan atau memodifikasi navbar menjadi peak a boo, transparan atau ditaroh di baris paling bawah, dst, jika anda pikir itu lebih baik bagi anda. Yang merasa itu bahwa itu adalah pelanggaran silakan diam aja, nggak usah ribut-ribut, bikin masalah aja :D

Blogger Terms of Service

Berikut isi dari Blogger Terms of Service untuk anda ketahui, di kopi paste dari link ini: http://www.blogger.com/terms.g

1. Description of Service. Blogger is a web publishing service and optional hosting service (the "Service"). You will be responsible for all activities occurring under your username and for keeping your password secure. You understand and agree that the Service is provided to you on an AS IS and AS AVAILABLE basis. Google disclaims all responsibility and liability for the availability, timeliness, security or reliability of the Service or any other client software. Google also reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue the Service with or without notice at any time and without any liability to you.

You must be at least thirteen (13) years of age to use the Service. Google reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time without notice for any reason.

2. Proper Use. You agree that you are responsible for your own use of the Service, for any posts you make, and for any consequences thereof. You agree that you will use the Service in compliance with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules and regulations, including any laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from your country of residence and all United States export control laws.

You agree to abide by the Blogger Content Policy (http://www.blogger.com/content.g) and the rules and restrictions therein. Although we may attempt to notify you when major changes are made to the Blogger Content Policy, you should periodically review the most up-to-date version. Google may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise the Blogger Content Policy at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions.

Violation of any of the foregoing, including the Blogger Content Policy (http://www.blogger.com/content.g), may result in immediate termination of this Agreement, and may subject you to state and federal penalties and other legal consequences. Google reserves the right, but shall have no obligation, to investigate your use of the Service in order to (a) determine whether a violation of the Agreement has occurred or (b) comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.

Much of the content of Blogger.com and Blogspot.com -- including the contents of specific postings -- is provided by and is the responsibility of the person or people who made such postings. Google does not monitor the content of Blogger.com and Blogspot.com, and takes no responsibility for such content. Instead, Google merely provides access to such content as a service to you.

By their very nature, Blogger.com and Blogspot.com may carry offensive, harmful, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate material, or in some cases, postings that have been mislabeled or are otherwise deceptive. We expect that you will use caution and common sense and exercise proper judgment when using Blogger.com and Blogspot.com.

Google does not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any communications posted via the Service or endorse any opinions expressed via the Service. You acknowledge that any reliance on material posted via the Service will be at your own risk.

3. Privacy. As a condition of using the Service, you agree to the terms of the Google Privacy Policy (http://www.google.com/privacy.html), which may be updated from time to time, as expressed in the most recent version that exists at the time of your use. You agree that Google may access or disclose your personal information, including the content of your communications, if Google is required to do so in order to comply with any valid legal process or governmental request (such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order), or as otherwise provided in these Terms of Service and the general Google Privacy Policy. Personal information collected by Google may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which Google Inc. or its agents maintain facilities. By using the Service, you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country.

4. General Practices Regarding Use and Storage. You agree that Google has no responsibility or liability for the deletion of, or the failure to store or to transmit, any Content and other communications maintained by the Service. Google retains the right to create limits on use and storage at our sole discretion at any time with or without notice.

5. Content of the Service. Google takes no responsibility for third-party content (including, without limitation, any viruses or other disabling features), nor does Google have any obligation to monitor such third-party content. Google reserves the right at all times to remove or refuse to distribute any content on the Service, such as content which violates the terms of this Agreement. Google also reserves the right to access, read, preserve, and disclose any information as it reasonably believes is necessary to (a) satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, (b) enforce this Agreement, including investigation of potential violations hereof, (c) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues, (d) respond to user support requests, or (e) protect the rights, property or safety of Google, its users and the public. Google will not be responsible or liable for the exercise or non-exercise of its rights under this Agreement.

6. Intellectual Property Rights. Google's Intellectual Property Rights. You acknowledge that Google owns all right, title and interest in and to the Service, including all intellectual property rights (the "Google Rights"). Google Rights are protected by U.S. and international intellectual property laws. Accordingly, you agree that you will not copy, reproduce, alter, modify, or create derivative works from the Service. You also agree that you will not use any robot, spider, other automated device, or manual process to monitor or copy any content from the Service. As described immediately below, Google Rights do not include third-party content used as part of the Service, including the content of communications appearing on the Service.

Your Intellectual Property Rights. Google claims no ownership or control over any Content submitted, posted or displayed by you on or through Google services. You or a third party licensor, as appropriate, retain all patent, trademark and copyright to any Content you submit, post or display on or through Google services and you are responsible for protecting those rights, as appropriate. By submitting, posting or displaying Content on or through Google services which are intended to be available to the members of the public, you grant Google a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce, publish and distribute such Content on Google services for the purpose of displaying and distributing Google services. Google furthermore reserves the right to refuse to accept, post, display or transmit any Content in its sole discretion.

You represent and warrant that you have all the rights, power and authority necessary to grant the rights granted herein to any Content submitted.

You may choose to submit, post, and display any materials on or through the Blogger service or Blogspot.com under a public license (e.g. a Creative Commons license), whether by manually marking your materials as such or using Blogger service tools to do so. For avoidance of doubt, Google is not a party to any such public license between you and any third party. Also, for avoidance of doubt, Google may choose to exercise the rights granted under (a) the public license or licenses, if any, you apply to your materials or (b) this Agreement.

7. No Resale of the Service. Unless expressly authorized in writing by Google, you agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes (a) any portion of the Service, (b) use of the Service, or (c) access to the Service.

8. Publicity. Any use of Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features ("Brand Features"), including "Blogger," "Blogger.com," "Blogspot," and "Blogspot.com," must be in compliance with this Agreement and in compliance with Google's then current Brand Features use guidelines, and any content contained or referenced therein, which may be found at the following URL: http://www.google.com/permissions/guidelines.html (or such other URL Google may provide from time to time).

9. Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant that (a) all of the information provided by you to Google to participate in the Service is correct and current; and (b) you have all necessary right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform the acts required of you hereunder.

10. Termination; Suspension. Google may, in its sole discretion, at any time and for any reason, terminate the Service, terminate this Agreement, or suspend or terminate your account. In the event of termination, your account will be disabled and you may not be granted access to your account or any files or other content contained in your account although residual copies of information may remain in our system for some time for back-up purposes. Sections 2, 3, 5 - 8, and 10 - 15 of the Agreement, along with applicable provisions of the general Terms of Service (including the section regarding limitation of liability), shall survive expiration or termination.

11. Indemnification. You agree to hold harmless and indemnify Google, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and employees from and against any third-party claim arising from or in any way related to your use of the Service, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, litigation costs and attorneys' fees, of every kind and nature. In such a case, Google will provide you with written notice of such claim, suit or action.

12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Google and governs your use of the Service, superseding any prior agreements between you and Google. You also may be subject to additional terms and conditions that may apply when you use or purchase certain other Google services, affiliate services, third-party content or third-party software.

13. Waiver and Severability of Terms. The failure of Google to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of the Terms of Service is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Terms of Service remain in full force and effect.

14. Statute of Limitations. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising of or related to use of Google services or the Terms of Service must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.

15. Choice of Law; Jurisdiction; Forum. These Terms of Service will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without giving effect to its conflict of laws provisions or your actual state or country of residence. Any claims, legal proceeding or litigation arising in connection with the Service will be brought solely in Santa Clara County, California, and you consent to the jurisdiction of such courts.

16. Copyright Information. It is our policy to respond to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If you believe that your copyright has been infringed on the Service, please refer to http://www.google.com/blogger_dmca.html for information on how to file or respond to a notice of infringement.

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